Live Online: G2 Basic Programming


Control Console System Overview
Machining Fundamentals
> Axis conventions
> Cartesian and Polar coordinates
> Absolute and incremental work piece positions
> Setting the datum
DRO Mode and Calculator
> DRO Manual Data Input
> Tool Table and Tool Data
PGM Mode
> Programming Introduction
> Creating Programs Overview
> Conversational Programming
> Milling and Drilling
> Geometry and RPM calculators
> Auxiliary Machine Interface (AMI)
> Updating System Software
> MILLPWRG2Off-Line Software


2024 Dates:
Feb 7
May 1
Aug 1
Oct 16
10am to 12pm (CT)
Pricing: $150
Class schedule:
Two hour session

Two Ways to Register

2024 Registration Form
By email: Download the form above, complete all the fields and send to
By fax: Download the form above, complete all the fields and fax to the attention of ACU-RITE Training at (800) 821-8208.
If paying by credit card, someone will be in contact with you regarding payment after receiving your registration.
NOTE: Your registration is considered confirmed only after your payment has been received.